
The grand jury (4th Branch) investigates corrupt government officials, and issues an indictment; jailing government officials. Investigates corruption in any of the other three branches. Can be used to oppose the New World Order or illuminati, etc...

Un blog personal exploziv, o platforma multimedia de exprimare libera. Stiri, anchete, dosare si editii speciale realizate live de catre jurnalistul Radu Moraru si echipa sa.

ISPN Media provides relevant news reporting on activities and events around the world. Breaking News. Relevant News. Science. People. Life.

ise Up with Ryan Loos (Dave Ramsey Certified Financial Counselor) of RKL Financial, Inc. walks through the basic principles of personal finance. He talks about saving money, living on less than you make, how to budget, getting a debt reduction plan together (debt snowball) and how to invest.

Cultural Direction is an interactive website devoted to liberal politics and to all genres of the arts, including painting, music, poetry and more. The site contains multiple galleries displaying works of timeless masters. My own music and artwork is also featured and available for purchase.

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La Superintendencia de Alianza Público Privada Mediante decreto no. 143-2010 del Poder Legislativo, en su articulo no. 21 se Crea la Superintendencia de Alianza Publico Privada como una entidad colegiada, adscrita al Tribunal Superior de Cuentas, respecto del cual funcionara con independencia técnica, administrativa y financiera. La regulación, control y seguimiento de la realización de obras y prestación de servicios mediante Alianzas publico privadas, estará a cargo de la Superintendencia

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