Personal Interests
The Irish Set Dancers Frankfurt, Germany are an active group of dancers, split into an adults group and a children's group (led by a professional, security-vetted primary school teacher). We dance the traditional dances (there are near 200) similar to, but older than square dances. The dancing is energetic and judging by the smiles on peoples faces, a lot of fun. You must be on your toes, as it is team-work and the fun of all is dependent on everyone working together. Visit our website!
Capriccididama allevamento Chihuahua Carlino riconosciuto ENCI e FCI. Specializzato selezione cuccioli Chihuahua Carlino. Cuccioli Chihuahua Carlino alta genealogia con pedegree vaccinazioni garanzia di salute. Cani da compagnia selezionati Vicino a Brescia Milano Verona Bergamo Parma Cremona Mantova
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